Thomas Schelling

CV Thomas Schelling
1961 Born in Eichenberg
1980 Matura at BG Dornbirn
1980-1986 University of Innsbruck – Teaching of History and Physical Education 1987-2018 Teacher at the BHAK Bregenz
1994 Start of ceramic work as an autodidact
2002 Start of painting as an autodidact
2011-2013 Study of “Fine Art – Painting and Graphics” at the
Leonardo Art Academy Salzburg
2014-2015 Shamanic healer training in Munich
2019 Professional self-employment as human energy therapist and artist
2021-2023 Master class in ceramic design at the Ortweinschule in Graz
"How real is reality?"
At the age of 33, a serious, existential life crisis threw me out of my well-ordered life structure. My family and professional self-image was washed away against my will by this huge tidal wave. Life had taken a completely different direction. Thrown back on myself, the processes of reorientation and reinvention were difficult and arduous.
New paths, new opportunities
As overwhelming and painful as this long period of upheaval was, I am grateful today, 30 years later, for this path in life. The crisis, which I was unable to classify for a long time, was triggered by a deep spiritual experience. I was lucky enough to be able to overcome this crisis with the help of a wonderful therapist and to become healed in a holistic sense.

New consciousness
The immersion into myself and the experiences and spiritual insights I gained about my life and life itself were fascinating because of their simplicity and clarity. This spiritual knowledge is timeless, it makes you modest and humble and at the same time nourishes the longing for the great source that can only be found within yourself.
Multidimensional being
So I can say from my inner knowing that there were no coincidences in my life. Superficial events and behaviors have their causes in the deep and complex aspects of individual and collective life. Just as history is ultimately a reflection of humanity, my life has manifested itself as a reflection of my inner world.
This knowledge of holistic connections on all levels shapes my understanding of the world today. It is constantly expanding and flows into all of my areas of activity.